Greetings, Divine One! Read on to learn more about me, Maverick.

My name is Almando Forsythe but please, call me Maverick (the name I claimed for Self); I Am a Mindset and Spiritual Coach, Author, and an Artistic Creator adept in a variety of art forms such as the linguistic, culinary, and energy healing arts. I have set out on my purpose to help others on their journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and healing through the power of the mind. I hail from the beautiful, paradisiacally tropical island of Jamaica, where I live a natural holistic lifestyle, eating exclusively plant foods, and where the sun shines all year round. Sunbath, anyone?
The Journey Begins

Born and raised in Jamaica, growing up was a very fun experience for me. I had a very imaginative mind as a child (and still do), and I had no trouble playing by myself even when my siblings, cousins, and friends were around; the lone-wolf spirit could be seen in me from a very young age.
I graduated from college with an Associate Degree in Business Studies, after which I worked in the accounting field for a few years. My knowledge, skills, and experience however, have been expanded by my lifestyle changes, which are geared towards preparing and eating natural plant foods and holistic living, further leading me down a spiritual path on which I faced many challenges and adversities that I subsequently overcame, and therefore decided to study to become a coach, to help others who are facing similar challenges and situations.
Challenging Times
I have lived here my entire life, and I didn’t appreciate the island’s natural beauty and abundance until 2018 when I changed my lifestyle drastically.
Prior to this, I went through a very difficult time in my life in 2015, when I had an accident and was faced with anxiety, depression, and frequent panic attacks. It felt like the end of the world for me. From that point on, I struggled almost every day of my life with poor mental health, affecting EVERY area of my life.
I visited the doctor’s office, and the conclusion at the end of the tests was that all my body systems were fully functional. It was now evident that I was dealing with a mental condition. I was recommended to a psychiatrist and prescribed antidepressants, which I declined because I was adamant that I was going to reclaim control of my mind and, ultimately, my body/life by natural means without the use of conventional medicine.
The Turning Point
That was when I decided to take a natural holistic approach to my health, by starting to understand the mind, body, and soul as a whole. Since then, I have made significant lifestyle changes, such as eating a whole-food plant diet and then subsequently transitioning to a raw plant food diet for about a year and a half (2018 – 2020), taking me to a whole new level of consciousness.
Alongside dietary changes also came spiritual awakening, and consciousness of the truth of my existence. This was the spark really, for this amazing journey and path that is mine.
These changes have made a significant impact on my life! I am healthier and happier in all my being (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually)!
Why I Decided To Help Others

Through my experiences and observations of others, I have realized that many people are faced with all kinds of adversities, ailments, and “dis-eases.” I know how devastating it can be to feel broken and helpless, and as a result, lacking motivation and feeling drained of energy/life.
I understand this all too well, and I do not want anyone to struggle and suffer when natural remedies are available for us all. Helping you will, ultimately, help me because we are all connected on a deeper level. It is also a fulfilling joy to help others and hear their success stories of how they overcame their challenges/struggles, and I would love to help you, too.
My Mission

Mental health issues are very serious but are often not seen as such and, therefore, get swept under the rug, time and time again, until the pile becomes so mountainous that it can no longer be hidden, causing an outburst from all the pressure that was being built up within.
You no longer have to hide/bottle it up and appear to be okay when, in reality, you are not. The state of your mental health is very important and must be attended to daily with great care; this can mean life or death.
My mission is to teach you how to overcome mental ailments, become your best self, and manifest your dreams, making them a reality by using the power of the mind. With my guidance, you will be given the tools, strategies, and methods I used to conquer my depression, anxiety, and poor mental health when you work with me.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Thanks for visiting. Blessings!
The Mind Hacker

I Am A Living testament to the infinite power of the mind
“Hacking minds and changing lives, one being at a time.”
My goal is to help you overcome mental ailments, become your best self, and create the life you desire using the power of the mind.